Pollution affects the environment in a number of ways. Biological pollution is one of the most overlooked types of pollution, yet it can have a significant impact on ecosystems and human health. In this article, we will discuss what biological pollution is and which of the following is a type of pollution measured in the everglades. We will also look at the impact that this type of pollution can have on the environment.
Definition of Biological Pollution
Biological pollution, sometimes referred to as biopollution, is the introduction of non-native species into a natural environment that causes disruption and adversely affects the local species and ecosystem.
This type of pollution is caused primarily by humans through activities such as:
- dumping ballast water from ships
- accidental or intentional release of exotic pets and aquarium controls
- overfishing of top aquatic predators
- introducing ornamental plant species that escape cultivation
- planting genetically modified crops
Non-native species can take over an area or disrupt the balance in ecosystems. For example, the introduction of zebra mussels in Lake Erie has drastically increased the water clarity, thus leading to an excessive growth of native plants that choke out populations of native fish that rely on a certain level of turbidity for their spawning. Similarly, terrestrial systems can be disrupted if non-native plant species are brought in; they may outcompete native vegetation for nutrients or exhibit a trait whereby they can reabsorb nutrients more effectively than their counterparts. This can lead to degraded habitats and reduced biodiversity.
Types of Biological Pollution
Biological pollution is the introduction of organisms, either through accidental or intentional means, into new and unfamiliar ecosystems which can cause an imbalance to existing systems. While most organisms play beneficial roles in their native environment, they may become invasive when placed in environments outside their normal distribution range.
Biological pollution comes in many forms including the introduction of exotic species and domestic pets that escape confinement. Common examples include feral cats and rats, as well as common agricultural species such as cows and goats. The introduction of these species can disrupt existing ecosystems by overgrazing natural habitats or competing with native species for food and resources. In addition, non-native plants may be introduced which have no natural predators but out-compete native vegetation or introduce toxins into the surrounding area.
Another form of biological pollution comes from the release of sewage effluent from plant outflows or residential septic systems into nearby bodies of water. These pollutants provide nutrients which can stimulate algal blooms that deplete water oxygen levels which can cause severe harm to aquatic life within these waters. Furthermore, pathogens present within sewage waste can contribute to higher levels of disease within aquatic populations by spreading various bacterial illnesses through contact with contaminated water sources.
The introduction of any new species has potential impacts on native ecosystems so it’s important to think about all possible consequences before introducing such foreign biological agents into a new environment.
Causes of Biological Pollution
Biological pollution is the introduction of non-native species into an ecosystem that can cause harm to existing species and the environment as a whole. It can be caused by a number of factors, such as:
- Habitat destruction
- The introduction of non-native species
- Climate change
In this section, we will discuss the causes of biological pollution and how it affects the Everglades.
Agricultural Runoff
Agriculture runoff is one of the primary sources of biological pollution in water systems. This occurs when soil erosion and surface water flow carry nutrient-rich sediments, manure, pesticides and other pollutants into rivers and streams where they can accumulate. Runoff often contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, insecticides and heavy metals that cause imbalances in otherwise healthy ecosystems. Additionally, agricultural runoff can contribute to natural disasters such as flooding and landslides.
Agricultural runoff is particularly dangerous because it carries a variety of pathogens that can heavily contaminate waterways and harm aquatic life. Pathogens commonly carried in agricultural runoff include bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella as well as viruses like norovirus and rotavirus. The introduction of these pathogens into bodies of water not only alters the composition of their microbial inhabitants but can also cause disease in humans who come into contact with them or consume contaminated seafood or drinking water.
In order to reduce the amount of harmful pollutants entering bodies of water from agricultural land use, farmers should use best management practices such as:
- Rotated crops
- Terraced landscapes
- Integrated pest management techniques
- Cover crops
- Watershed conservation plans
This helps minimize sedimentation while retaining valuable nutrients onsite so they are not lost through runoff across landscapes. Additionally, farmers should utilize structures such as buffer strips along drainage ditches which help retain topsoil while trapping some sediment particles that would otherwise escape through surface runoff.
Sewage Discharge
Sewage discharge is the most common source of biological pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Sewage discharged into rivers and lakes consists primarily of human waste and other domestic materials like soaps and detergents. When contaminated sewage is released into natural bodies of water, it can pollute the water with pathogens, nitrates, phosphates, and other pollutants that can alter the surrounding environment. The resulting pollution can cause health risks to humans and animals alike, making it essential to prevent polluted sewage discharge in order to protect aquatic wildlife as well as public health.
Other sources of biological pollution include:
- Agricultural runoff such as fertilizer, animal wastes.
- Greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane from fossil fuels used for heating or transportation fuel sources.
- Introduced species from aquariums that were released into open waters systems by the owner(s).
- Industrial production runoff (industrial pollutants) from a variety of sources such as metalworking operations or petrochemical processing activities (petroleum products).
- Pesticide residues from agricultural production activity (insecticides and herbicides).
- Littering from resorts or recreational activities (cigarette butts).
- Heavy metals such as lead or cadmium released from burning coal for power generation (coal ash).
- Acid rain caused by sulfur emissions due to burning coal for industry use (acid rain).
- Finally failing septic systems are another source of water pollution due to their inability to treat waste properly before releasing it into local ecosystems.
Industrial Waste
Industrial waste is among the main causes of biological pollution. This type of pollution includes all pollutants created as a result of human activities, such as manufacturing and agricultural operations. Industrial wastewater can contain pollutants such as heavy metals, toxic organic compounds, solids and suspended solids, oils and greases, phosphates, pesticides and herbicides.
The effects of industrial pollution on biological systems vary widely. Some common impacts include fish kills due to oxygen depletion or toxicity; sedimentation that degrades water quality; nutrient loading to cause eutrophication; or contaminant accumulation in plant tissues that affects their growth or health. Furthermore, some industrial wastes may seep into the groundwater table which can be distributed widely depending on the local hydrological conditions.
In order to reduce the impacts of this type of pollution, proper wastewater management systems should be adopted such as effective treatment regimes for removing harmful components from the wastewaters being discharged into natural bodies of water. This could include physical-chemical treatments that absorb toxins onto activated carbon or other media, concentration treatments by gravity sedimentation or filtration filters and utilization for beneficial purposes (e.g. recycling for use in agriculture). Additionally, it is recommended to properly manage solid wastes with appropriate techniques that prevent surface runoff due to rainwater carrying pollutants away from landfills is also important at industrial sites.
Leaking Septic Tanks
Leaking septic tanks can be a major source of biological pollution and water contamination. Septic tanks are used to process wastewater collected in households, which sits in the tank and is broken down by bacteria. A properly functioning system will treat this waste before it is released back into the environment through a drainage field. However, if the tank begins to leak, excessive amounts of untreated wastewater can enter into ground water sources, rivers and lakes as well as contaminate soil as nitrates accumulate from septic tank runoff.
This type of biological pollution can adversely impact aquatic life from fish die-offs to algal blooms that deplete oxygen levels. It also increases human health risks due to generally higher levels of Coliform Bacteria which come from fecal matter combined with the presence of other pathogenic diseases such as E-Coli, Hepatitis A or Salmonella in drinking water sources.
It is important to have a qualified professional inspect your septic system regularly in order to identify potential issues before they occur; this includes inspecting pipes or components that could cause issues such as improper placement or blockages created by tree root obstruction or foreign objects. Effective maintenance practices such as regular pumping, cleaning and filter changes can help maintain the optimal performance of your system while preventing contaminants due to leaking systems.
Effects of Biological Pollution
Biological pollution can have a major effect on an ecosystem, causing changes in the environment and disruption in the functioning of the ecological system. In the Everglades, biological pollution is measured in terms of nutrients, pesticides, and other pollutants that can be detrimental to the ecosystem.
Some of the common types of biological pollution include:
- Chemical and petroleum products
- Animal waste
- Nutrient runoff
Let’s explore the possible effects of these pollutants.

Loss of Biodiversity
Biological Pollution, the unaided introduction of non-native species or the proliferation of native species into new, non-native habitats, is often caused by human activities such as transportation and tourism. By introducing non-native species into a new environment, or by allowing native species to spread too widely, biological pollution can cause tremendous disruptions to local ecosystems and can lead to loss of biodiversity and potentially long-term damage to how natural cycles in an environment are carried out.
The effects of loss of biodiversity due to biological pollution vary depending on the ecosystem in question. Losses may range from shifts in the presence or abundance of certain plants and animals due to competition with introduced organisms; increased disease transmissions; impacts on coral reefs and other aquatic life; degradation of water quality; extinctions of endemic species as well as threats posed toward human health through consumption.
Invasive species that have been introduced through biological pollution have been observed displacing local flora and fauna within landscapes where they exist. Such displacement often results in drastic decreases in population sizes for species that had previously inhabited a given region. This can lead to food security issues for humans relying heavily on specific native fisheries for sustenance or it can further endanger already threatened species if their natural stores become disrupted by the impacts of these invasive organisms.
Contamination of Drinking Water
Biological pollution, also known as pathogenic contamination, is the addition of any living organism or disease-causing bacteria to natural water which can lead to serious illnesses and health issues. Contamination of drinking water is a common source of biological pollution as various diseases are carried through water. These organisms and bacteria can not only linger in the environment but may also survive in the food or beverage of an affected person.
Environmental risks vary depending on the type, amount, and persistence of biological pollutants present in the environment. Contamination can occur through a variety of human activities including agricultural run-off, sewage disposal, discharges from industrial settings and vehicle emissions. In addition, improper disposal of hazardous materials such as medical waste can cause contamination in many locations. Bacteria such as E. coli and coliform are commonly found pollutants when wastewater is disposed of without proper management systems in place.
Biological pollution contamination has been linked to acute illnesses ranging from gastrointestinal distress to cholera; some chronic health effects have also been correlated with contaminated drinking water including birth defects, infertility and abnormal fetal mortality rates. To protect against potential sources of biological pollution it is important for everyone to practice conservation methods such as:
- Properly disposing of medical waste
- Avoiding sewage disposal into coastal waters
- Preventing runoff from industrial sites or farms into local waterways
- Testing drinking sources regularly for potential contaminants or pollutants that could lead to harm if ingested by humans or animals alike.
Algal Blooms
Algal blooms are the most visible and striking effect of biological pollution in aquatic environments. Algal blooms occur when an overabundance of algae is present in the water, resulting from excessive nutrient input from sources such as fertilizer run-off, sewage outflows, and effluent from terrestrial animals. The excessive nutrient input causes the algae to proliferate quickly, crowding out other forms of marine plant life. When discolored mats of algae accumulate on the surface of a body of water, the environment can be altered for both wildlife and humans.
The most serious consequence of algal blooms is hypoxia (oxygen depletion), caused by decomposing organic matter that results from too many organisms living too closely together. As the dead organic matter decays with no oxygen present to break it down, toxic substances such as ammonia can be released into the water column while disturbing levels of phosphorus and nitrogen also contribute to its growth. Some algal species also produce potentially harmful toxins that serve as deterrents against predators or parasites—these toxins may also be bio accumulated by certain fish species or even end up in drinking water supplies. Algae-based substances can cause harm to fish reproduction, survival rates and even change their behaviors. Human contact with algal-contaminated water sources can lead to illnesses including rashes, nausea and respiratory problems; algae-based toxins accumulated in fish consumed by humans may even lead to life-threatening conditions like paralysis or cardiac arrest in people prone to shellfish allergies.
Prevention of Biological Pollution
Biological pollution is a type of pollution that is harmful to the environment and can have adverse effects on the environment. It is usually measured in the form of the amount of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses that have been released into the environment. In the case of the Everglades, biological pollution has been measured in regards to the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus that is released into the ecosystem. In this article, we will discuss some ways to prevent biological pollution:
Proper Disposal of Wastes
Biological pollution, or pollutant organisms, are organisms that are introduced into a native ecosystem and cause harm to the environment. These impacts can range from reducing populations of native species to making entire areas inhabitable. Establishing proper disposal methods is one way to prevent these polluters from entering and damaging natural environments.
Proper disposal practices help eliminate biological pollutants and help protect the environment in which they are used. This includes disposing of household items such as pesticides, paints, cleaners and batteries in an appropriate manner so that they don’t enter the environment through runoff or wind-blown airborne particles. In addition, individuals should take care when handling oil or other wastes at home to ensure that these materials don’t get into nearby bodies of water.
Individuals should also be aware of their use of fertilizers and chemicals, as using them in excess can lead to runoff with potential pollutant organisms that can end up in waterways or ground water supplies over time. Construction sites should also be properly managed with precautions taken to keep soil from washing away into nearby areas or bodies of water if it contains potential pollutant material such as fecal matter or fertilizers.
Finally, wherever possible it is best practice to minimize the use of exotic species outside their natural range; introducing species into new areas can have devastating effects on local ecosystems already adapted for native species, including allowing weeds or disease-causing organisms to spread unchecked. Careful introduction and consideration should always be taken before introducing any non-native plant species to a habitat free from unnecessary biological pollution.
Implementation of Regulations
Effective implementation of regulations can play a significant role in reducing the presence of harmful bacteria in bodies of water. One way to prevent biological pollution from occurring in the first place is through stringent standards that limit the introduction of pollutants into water sources. Regulations related to the disposal and transport of hazardous materials must be strictly enforced so that hazardous substances are not inadvertently released into the environment. This includes proper disposal methods for sewage, septic tanks, and agricultural runoff, as well as proper handling of hazardous materials within wastewater treatment plants.
Regulations should also be in place to require careful pre-treatment and management of wastewater before it is discharged into any bodies of water. One example of aquatic life regulations aimed at preventing biological pollution is the European Union’s Water Framework Directive, which requires monitoring and assessment of aquatic biota health on a regular basis, as well as the production of mitigation measures should an observed adverse effect on this life occur.
In addition to implementing regulations that reduce and manage threats to aquatic life, preparation plans should also exist for responding quickly to unexpected contamination events should they occur.
Use of Best Management Practices
The use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) is a preventative measure to help reduce the occurrence of biological pollution in freshwater and marine environments. BMPs are designed to protect key components of the aquatic ecosystem, including physically removing potential sources of pollution, limiting the amount of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) that enter water bodies, preventing debris accumulation, and managing land uses such as development activities or agricultural practices.
Various measures can be adopted to limit the effects of biological pollution such as education, resource management and conservation efforts. These include:
- Limiting fertilizer use near waterways
- Protecting shoreline vegetation to prevent soil erosion
- Setting up buffer zones around water bodies to reduce runoff from agricultural lands
- Reducing chemical inputs from industrial processes by using advanced wastewater treatment systems
- Adopting municipal policies for more efficient sewage collection and treatment systems
- Restricting boater access in high-risk areas
- Creating public education programs about sustainable recreational practices such as catch and release fishing
The Everglades
The Everglades is one of the largest and most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. The water in the Everglades is a crucial part of the local environment and the health of the vegetation and animals that inhabit it. However, due to various causes, the Everglades is under threat. One of the biggest threats is the pollution present in the waters of the Everglades.
In this article, we will look into what type of pollution is present in the Everglades and how it affects the local environment.

Which of the Following is a Type of Pollution Measured in the Everglades?
The Everglades, a vast subtropical wetland in southern Florida, is facing many types of pollution that are damaging its delicate ecosystems. Pollution comes in many forms and is having serious consequences on the unique flora and fauna found there. In order to protect this precious natural environment, it is important to understand the impacts of human activities on the Everglades as well as which types of pollution are most common in this area.
The most significant forms of pollution in the Everglades are chemical, biological and physical. Chemical pollution comes from activities such as fertilizer and pesticide use, sewage discharge, stormwater runoff and industrial discharges. These contaminants can cause harm to both plants and animals by disrupting their normal physiology or by introducing toxic elements into their environment.
Biological pollutants include exotic species such as Burmese pythons that have been introduced into the Everglades due to pet trade or lost exotic pets. These species often disrupt food webs by competing for resources with native species or by directly preying on them.
Physical pollutants consist mainly of sediment from construction sites which can damage aquatic habitats and affect water quality by restricting light penetration into deeper waters of wetlands or streams where photosynthesis is required for survival of submerged plants.
It is possible to take steps to reduce sources of these pollutants in order to protect the fragile environment of this precious natural resource area before it becomes irreversibly damaged. These steps could include things like:
- Reducing fertilizer use or limiting development near wetlands;
- Encouraging efforts to reduce pet release;
- Properly disposing rainwater runoff;
- Using more sustainable farming practices;
- Utilizing green infrastructure like constructed wetlands when engineering projects must go forward; and
- Creating buffer zones around natural areas to act as a barrier between wildlife habitats and urban development.

Impact of Pollution on the Everglades
Water pollution in the Everglades has had significant impacts on the health of the ecosystem. Pollutants from a variety of sources, including agricultural runoff and urban stormwater runoff, are degrading the water quality of the region. The most common pollutants found in the Everglades are heavy metals, nutrients, and sediment which are carried by rivers and streams into Lake Okeechobee – a major source of drinking water for residents of Florida’s east coast. Nutrients from fertilizer applications used in agriculture have created hypertrophic conditions that reduce water clarity and can cause severe algal blooms throughout the region. Heavy metals have been leached into the soil from metal industries and mining sites causing pollution to reach deep below the surface. Additionally, sediment buildup has caused alterations to both fresh- and saltwater hydrology affecting natural habitats, contributing to harmful species invasions, reducing fish populations and exacerbating flooding events.
The effects of these pollutants have rippled through every level of the food web within south Florida’s Everglades National Park with wide-reaching consequences not only to aquatic life and wildlife but also to overall water quality for humans who use it for recreation or drinking supply. Direct exposure can result in fish kills and illnesses in aquatic animals as well as humans swimming or eating contaminated seafood such as mullet or blue crab from local waters; indirect risks may include changes to habitats driving out native species from their normal environments. Furthermore, impaired water quality could lead to an overgrowth of harmless microorganisms that can further impact human health via eye/skin irritation or even disease carrying microorganisms (pathogens).
It is essential that governments increase their efforts at mitigating these sources of pollution if we wish to protect this beautiful ecosystem for future generations.
Steps Taken to Reduce Pollution in the Everglades
The Everglades is a vast wetland environment that is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. Unfortunately, this delicate ecosystem is highly threatened by biological pollution caused by extreme runoff from farms, industries, and suburbs that flows into the area. This runoff contains high concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other pollutants which can increase the growth of algae, deplete oxygen levels in the water, and can cause long-term damage to native plants and animals.
Given the ecological magnificence of the Everglades, numerous efforts have been put into place over the last few decades to reduce pollution levels in this fragile ecosystem. To start with, certain stagnant agricultural areas have been reintroduced with flowing currents which help limit harmful runoff from nearby farms. Wetland preservation projects have also sprung up throughout south Florida’s national parks with an aim to rejuvenate existing wetlands and provide new habitats for wildlife. Additionally, many local rivers that flow through the region have been improved with regulation systems that monitor water quality levels more regularly and collect potential pollutants before they reach further downstream.
Finally, many local programs are actively engaging landowners throughout South Florida – both public entities as well as homeowners – in better management practices throughout their land so as to avoid introducing any unnecessary pollutants into the region’s waters. All these collective efforts are powerful reminders that even when faced with incredibly complex environmental challenges such as biological pollution or climate change, there are still paths forward towards preserving our planet’s unique ecosystems – such as the amazing Everglades – for future generations.